Principal Investigator
SIDDHARTHA LAL [Email] [Arxiv] [CV]
Associate Professor, IISER Kolkata.
Interested in strongly correlated systems, criticality in interacting systems of fermions, topological states of matter, quantum magnetism, strange metals, unconventional superconductivity, many-particle entanglement, quantum systems in low dimensions, quantum transport etc.
This is the Way.
Research scholars

DEBRAJ DEBATA [2022 - ] [Email]
Studying the effects of projective/symmetry-breaking terms on quantum systems, in terms of quantum phase transitions and many-particle entanglement.

SUKALYAN DEB [2023 - ] [Email]
Currently engaged in coursework and background reading.

SANTANU PAL [2014 - 2020] [Email] [Arxiv]
THESIS TITLE: Orbital and spin dynamics in geometrically frustrated lattices
Developed spectral flow-based criteria for the existence of novel gapped quantum liquid ground states in frustrated quantum spin systems (e.g., the Heisenberg and XXZ models on the pyrochlore, kagome and triangular lattices). Studied the coupled orbital, spin and phonon dynamics in a prototypical magnetic insulating spinel.

ANIRBAN MUKHERJEE [2014 - 2021] [Email] [Arxiv]
THESIS TITLE: Unitary renormalization group for correlated electrons
Created a non-perturbative renormalisation group-based framework for the study of strongly correlated electronic systems. Obtained fresh insight from this framework on challenging open questions in several important models, e.g., d-wave superconducitvity in the hole-doped 2D Hubbard, how Fermi surface topology shapes fermionic criticality, a theory for the Kondo screening cloud etc.

SIDDHARTHA PATRA [2016 - 2022] [Email] [Web] [Arxiv]
THESIS TITLE: Entanglement signatures of correlated electron systems
Studied the nature of multi-partite entanglement in various gapped and gapless liquid phases of quantum matter, leading to a deeper understanding of topological entanglement entropy. Also studied the nature of topological order in the Cooper pair insulating gapped quantum liquid.